Recorded webinar

Mastering your mindset in the midst of dysfunction

Learn how you can manage yourself in the difficulty of group dysfunction with the elected council.
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    Webinar Live - Locale Learning

    Team dysfunction - is it me?

    You can see, hear and feel that things are not going well within the elected council body but what can you do about it? As an individual councillor it can be unclear how to best address dysfunction within the elected council, especially when the dysfunction is having a strong personal impact.

    Being a part of a dysfunctional team feels uncomfortable and erodes motivation and trust. And most importantly it stops the group from achieving their collective goals. In the case of an elected council, this is serving their community effectively.

    Webinar take-aways

    In this webinar, we zoom into the individual level to learn how you can manage yourself in the difficulty of group dysfunction.
    You will take away the skills you need to manage your own mind and know the steps to take to best move towards cohesive group function including:
    • Identifying where dysfunction can show up 
    • Internal cues and external clues to identify dysfunction early
    • Signs and symptoms of dysfunction
    • What action to take to manage yourself mentally, emotionally and practically
    • What to do if you suspect you are the cause of, or contributing to, the dysfunction

    Your presenters

    At Locale Learning we believe in humanising the political experience and supporting local elected leaders to reach their leadership potential. Our team are united by our common passion to transform the leadership capabilities of our local elected representatives. 

    Emma Broomfield
    Founder & lead facilitator

    Emma is a qualified mediator and trained lawyer with 20 years experience in the local government industry. In that time, she has worked with hundreds of councillors as a legal advisor, conflict resolution specialist, facilitator, consultant, coach and Code of Conduct reviewer. She has gained deep insights into the unique challenges and common experiences they face in governing large complex organisations in a political environment and under close scrutiny from others. 

    Anna Miley
    Political wellbeing & mindset coach

    Having started her career in high performance athlete coaching, Anna has a passion for understanding how to get the most from your mind and body to reach your potential and succeed in your chosen pursuit. Fusing wisdom traditions of yoga philosophy and mindfulness with modern leadership coaching strategies, Anna supports leaders to practice self-care to boost performance, manage stress and ensure their personal sustainability.

    We have more

    This webinar is the first in a five part series unpacking dysfunction of elected councils, how to avoid it and how to resolve it. The series looks at dysfunction from multiple angles so councillors can be fully informed and up-skilled to keep themselves and the elected group on track to successful outcome delivery for their communities.

    Webinar 1

    Mastering your mindset amidst dysfunction - the individuals role in group dysfunction

    Webinar 2

    Collaborating with your councillor colleagues - how to bring the group together

    Webinar 3

    Building a healthy relationship with the executive team – cohesion with staff counts

    Webinar 4

    Cultivating connection and trust between council and the community 

    Webinar 5

    Knowing when and how to take action to address and resolve dysfunction 

    Be the first to know when our next webinar launches!

    Thank you!